April, 5 th 2020. Collaborating foundations lauch a phone line for senior citizens with support of CEDE Aruba. This initiative is a collaboration between Club Kibrahacha, Fundacion Movimiento ta Bida, OPPA, Koningin Wilhemina Kankerfonds, Fundacion Diabetes, Wit Gele Kruis, Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation, Centro Quivit, and Fundacion pa nos Comunidad.
The last developments of the Coronavirus caused a stop on all social activities for our senior citizens. This impacted our senior citizens to be limited in socializing with each other. For this reason, the above mentioned foundations initiated a phone line, where our senior citizens can call. Our senior citizens can call to have a conversation, and of course for any questions and guidance in these difficult times.
The phone number is: 280-0505. The hours of operation of the telephone line are during the day from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm in the night. The telephone line is completely free of charge. Our message to our elderlies is: “ YOU ARE NOT ALONE, WE ARE HERE TO LISTEN TO YOU”. This telephone line creates the opportunity to have a conversation and to listen to our senior citizens. As a result, we can stay in contact with them and at the same time be conscious of what their current situation is. The foundations want to avoid that our senior citizens are isolated. Club Kibrahacha is responsible for coordinating this project. The phone line is managed by a group of volunteers from the different foundations.